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Payment secured
Secured payment of your tank heads and shells orders. You can choose your payment method : Credit card, Paypal, wirebank.

Direct factory price
A wide range of dished head and shells for the manufacture of your tanks at the lowest prices on the market.

Delivery in Europe
Delivery anywhere in France and Europe thanks to transport specialists recognized for their seriousness and reliability: TNT, DHL, Schenker and charterers.

Material traceability
Traceability of the material of all the torispherical heads. You can request the CCPUs when ordering.

Made in France
To guarantee the quality of your tank head and shells, Distrifond provides you with French-made dished heads: GRC, CAPS.

Factory ISO9001
The manufacturing of your dished heads is ensured by French factories certified ISO9001 in order to deliver high quality tank heads and shells to you..